Custom Modules
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Learn all about the exciting new RocketTheme exclusive modules that are included in the MediaMogul template release. Here you can find instructions for installation and configuration for each of the custom modules.

Step One: Installing the Module

  • Download the archive from the MediaMogul download section of the RocketTheme Joomla! Club. Unzip the archive, inside you will find individual zip files for each of the modules.
  • Login in to your administrator console on your Joomla! website and navigate to the Extensions menu item, and select Install/Uninstall from the dropdown menu.
  • In the Upload Package File section, click the Choose File button and select one of the that was inside of the zip file you downloaded earlier. Next click the Upload File & Install button to install the module.

Step Two: Publishing the Module

  • Now the module is installed it must be published in the appropriate module position and configured to suit our needs. From the top menu, select Extensions then Module Manager.
  • This will take you to the Site Module Manager which allows you to configure the placement and configuration of all modules in your Joomla! website.
  • Locate the module from the list. Remember there could be a few pages. Once you have found it, you can publish in 2 ways: The first is selecting the cross next to the tile or clicking the title then set Enabled to Yes followed by a Save.


The RokNewsFlash module displays your small pieces of info across the top of your MediaMogul website. Simply publish the module to the newsflash position with the title set to hide.


The RokMediaScroller module provides a smooth scrolling functionality allowing you to display multiple media items. The module has the ability to pull items from a feed, such as a youtube feed or flickr feed, and display them neatly on your site. Thee RokMediaScroller is available in the MediaMogul downloads section (mediamogul_extensions_j15). After installation, the parameters are accessible from the following path Admin > Extensions > Module Manager > RokMediaScroller . Setup is as follows:-
  • ID of Module Set unique ID's for each of your RokMediaScroller module instances so you can use more than one on a single page.
  • Count: Enter the value of how many feed items you wish to have the module display.
  • Feed URL Enter the url for the RSS feed for the media items you want to display.
  • Include rokmediascroller.js file: Set to no if another module is calling this file.
  • Transition Duration: The time taken for the transition between articles in ms
You can also use a script version of this functionality in order to create your own custom thumbnail and link content. This approach can be seen in action on the demo frontpage. Instructions for setting up a custom module using the raw script are available on the Demo Content Tutorial Page.


Module Configuration

You can choose to use an installable module for the RokNewsRotator. The settings are accessible from the following path Admin > Modules > Site Modules > RokNewsRotator . Setup is as follows:-
  • Link Title: Select if you want your titles to link to the article or not
  • Link Images: Select if you want the images to link to the article or not
  • Frontpage Items: This option controls whether frontpage items are shown
  • Count: Enter the value of how many articles you wish to have in the module
  • Category: Controls the category where the content is loaded from
  • Section: Controls the section where the content is loaded from
  • Include Mootools JS Library: Set to no unless using a template which doesn't have mootools already being called
  • Read More Label: The text placed in the read more button
  • Transition Duration: The time taken for the transition between articles in ms
  • Delay Length: The time taken for a transition to occur
  • Show Image Corners: If set to yes produces rounded cornered images, default is square
  • AutoPlay Rotator: Sets the module to automatically change articles or stay static for user input
  • Preview Length: Set a value to choose how many characters are shown as a preview of the full article
If you wish to place inside an Article, follow the instructions below:-
  1. Navigate to Admin > Extensions > Modules Manager > RokNewsRotator
  2. Assign the module to the rotator position (you can type this position into the field if not in dropdown)
  3. Create your article
  4. Insert the following syntax {loadposition rotator} into the content item.

    The article will now load the module
All you need to do now is to create some content items which are assigned to the category/section you chose in the module settings. In the content item, you will need to use the following syntax to load the image with the correct styling. The code is content editor HTML mode friendly.
<!--IMAGE image_path IMAGE-->
An example is as follows
<!--IMAGE images/stories/lego/rotator-3.jpg IMAGE-->
Place the image code at the top of your content item and write your content after it.

Integrated RokSlide Tabbed Modules

For MediaMogul, we have integrated RokSlide into the core of the template so you have the RokSlide functionality in terms of tabs with stylish transitional effects with the modular layout of the template.

RokSlide by default has 5 tabs available. Each tab has a module position ranging from User12 to User16, respective to the individual tab. Therefore, you have a single modular position per tab but you have the option of applying multiple modules to a single position. For example, you can assign 3 modules to the User12 position and they will appear in a horizontal layout in Tab 1.


Configuration of the integrated RokSlide itself is controlled in the Administrator at Admin -> Extensions > Template Manager > MediaMogul
tabber In the configuration panel, we have 5 groups, each groups controls a single tab. Each group is segregated into 2 distinct parts. These are Tab Title which controls the Tab Title. The second part is Tab Module

Module Slider Height

You will see in the above screenshot, the Module slide height settings. Similarly with the module count In addition to setting the module slider height in the parameters, you will also need to specify a height for the #moduleslider-size in the "template_css.css" as well to ensure that the module slider shows at the proper size.
#moduleslider-size {
	height: 250px;
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